The YOUTH National Sports COUNCIL AND Federation of India (YNSCFOI) promote the fundamental principles of Sports at a national level within the framework of sports. YNSCFOI are committed to the development of athletes and support the development of sport for all programs and high performance sport in country. We also participate in the training of sports administrators by organising educational and Sports programs.
YOUTH NATIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL AND FEDERATION OF INDIA.organize Youth festival competition to bring the hidden talent of youths . YOUTH NATIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL AND FEDERATION OF INDIA, do not get any funds or grant from state or central government so it charges a nominal entry/registration fees from students. This fees is used for office expenses, booking of grounds, Venue, medals, trophies, certificates, official's payment, Transportation and officials, food and stay of participations and official staff, salary of office staff, C.A. fees. YOUTH NATIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL AND FEDERATION OF INDIA also provide financial support to financial week students but YOUTH NATIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL AND FEDERATION OF INDIA never claim that the certificate issued by YOUTH NATIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL AND FEDERATION OF INDIA or its state association will help the players for any sports or special quota in jobs or admission. Its benefits in job and admission are as per Govt. rules. We try for private sponsorship so that we can provide better facilities to participation.